Thursday, December 15, 2011, Dec. 14, 2011

Delta Moon at Blind Willie’s, you will want to be there

By Chris Martin
Atlanta Live Music Examiner

I am going to give you a tip, and then you are going to thank me. Get to Blind Willie’s this Friday night, now pass it on. Why should you listen to me you ask? Because Atlanta legend Tom Gray brings his latest, and possibly best, incarnation of his band Delta Moon to Blind Willie’s where the tunes will be jamming and the beers will be ice cold.

With a dual slide guitar attack, Delta Moon’s music delivers one hell of a punch. With the guitar playing of Tom Gray and Mark Johnson driving the tunes, drummer Darren Stanley and bassist Franher Joseph lay down the rhythms that are the backbone of their music. While dipping heavily into the blues, do not categorize them as such, because their tunes are layered with folk, rock, Americana and soul creating a damn fine mix of music. As good as their catalog of albums is, nothing beats Delta Moon live. Playing tunes from classic albums such as Howlin’, Goin’ Down South and Hellbound Train the night should be filled with tunes that will get your feet tapping and the joint rocking late into the evening.

I can sit here and tell you how good Delta Moon is and why you should go see them live until I am blue in the face, but the only way for you to see for yourself is to get to Blind Willie’s this Friday night. Make an evening of it, bring a group of friends, come by yourself, however you want, just get there and partake in an evening of killer tunes.

WHO: Delta Moon
WHERE: Blind Willie’s
WHEN: Friday, December 16th, 9pm

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